John Sweeney lost his battle with COPD, He will be sadly missed by everyone who knew him especially the support group…He was such a happy man, always had a smile and a joke for everyone…R.I.P. John …

John was such a great man and friend
Always managing to chat with everyone
His sense of humour knew no end
He just loved having fun
Although he struggled with COPD
He was always very happy
He’d show support for all to see
An all-round amazing chappy
In Benbulben COPD support group
He enjoyed doing his part
He jumped through hoop after hoop
His inspiration warmed many a heart
John was also an avid fundraiser for us
And excelled on World COPD Day
He stood at Sligo hospital without a fuss
Selling home baking without delay
At summer time he loved our day trips
He was a great man I’m sure you’ll agree
And the words on everyone’s lips
Are John Sweeney R.I.P
words by Lyndy Loo